Saturday, 21 November 2015

Kids Can Coach!

We love helping each other out at St Chad's! 

This week in year 6 we have been exploring area and perimeter with some great problem solving. Those of us who felt more confident with the investigation used our knowledge and skills to coach our classmates through the process. 

Coaching is a great way of building confidence and deepening understanding - you can't just give away the answer, you have to think of questions and prompts to help someone come to a solution on their own...

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Creativity and the TASC wheel

After our fabulous trip to Whitby we were inspired to make some 3D art pieces. Using the TASC wheel we researched, planned, made and evaluated some terrific pieces...

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Welcome Back!

Year 6 have enjoyed a fantastic start to the year - our final one at primary school!

We're already exercising our brains to the max and have completed some rather tricky place value jigsaws - see the picture below.

Our Treasure Island topic is also proving to be great fun and we've learnt some pirate lingo to really get in the swashbuckling swing! 

So long, for now, me hearties!